Tuesday, March 29, 2016

An interview with Lynne Twist

In her interview Lynne Twist covers different topics related to her life. She first starts talking about the big role religion had in the early stage of her life, after her father died when she was only thirteen years old. This was in contrast with her other life, being the star cheerleader in high school and dating a football star. These two lives never collided, until she could finally mix them together with the Hunger Project and the EST training, allowing her to take "a stand in life". She also wrote a book called "The Soul of Money", exploring different stories that engage the reader around the topic of money, including previous works from her. There also a website with the same name.

This interview really showed me how sometimes many beautiful things can come out of bad situations. Lynne Twist was able to change her life after the death of her father, and finally accomplish something she always wanted to do, helping less fortunate people. Her story is really inspiring and I would suggest everybody to read more about her.

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